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What are the principles of operation of electrical cells?

What are the principles of operation of electrical cells? In our last article, we looked at the basic electrical parameters in D.C. circuits.  In this article, we’re going to move on to the principles of operation of electrical cells.  We’ll look at the different types of cells and batteries, their mechanisms, and their applications. What […]

How can we calculate basic electrical parameters?

How can we calculate basic electrical parameters? In our last article, we looked at how we can select the best engineering material for the task.  In this article, we’re going to move on to basic electrical parameters in D.C. circuits. As an engineer, we need to be able to define these key terms and apply […]

How can we select engineering materials?

How can we select engineering materials? In our previous article, we looked at elastic and magnetic hysteresis. In this article, we’re going to look at how we can select engineering materials.  In other articles, we have previously looked at the different materials and their properties.  However, it’s important that engineers understand how we can go […]