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How do moments of force affect engineering problems?

How do moments of force affect engineering problems? In our last article, we looked at how we can apply principles of energy and power to engineering problems.  Now we’re going to dive into how moments of force can be applied to engineering problems. Moments If we want to describe a force acting on a body, […]

How can we apply the principles of energy and power to practical problems?

How can we apply the principles of energy and power to practical problems? In our last articles, we looked at things like some of the forces that can affect engineering problems, and how we can solve problems involving distance and velocity.  Now we’re going to look at how we can solve problems using the principles […]

What are the forces at a point that affect engineering problems?

What are the forces at a point that affect engineering problems? In our last article, we looked at how we can solve practical problems that involve distance and velocity.  Now we’re going to look at forces at a point, what they are, and how they can affect engineering problems. Before we jump in, let’s check […]

How can we solve practical problems involving distance and velocity?

How can we solve practical problems involving distance and velocity? In our last article we looked at SI units, what they are and why we use them, giving us a solid introduction to Engineering Science.  In this article, we’re going to see how we can solve some practical problems with engineering. Introduction to definitions Before […]

How can we describe SI units?

How can we describe SI units? If you’ve read any of our previous articles, you’ll see that we dive into various engineering topics, such as mechanical resonance or deflection of cantilever beams.  In this article, we’re going to learn all about SI units, standard engineering prefix notation, and how we can describe them. Introduction to […]

How can we analyse a single-degree-of-freedom lumped parameter systems with damping?

How can we analyse a single-degree-of-freedom lumped parameter system with damping? In our previous article on undamped vibration, we looked at solving vibration problems with a single degree of freedom.  In this article, we’re going to look at systems with damping and how to analyse them. We’ll focus on the mathematical analysis of a single-degree-of-freedom […]

How can we analyse undamped vibration problems.

How can we analyse undamped vibration problems. In our previous article on harmonic motion, we looked at how we can analyse problems involving simple harmonic motion, now we’re going to look at solving vibration problems with a single degree of freedom. Vibration Analysis In vibration analysis, there are two approaches we are interested in.  One […]

How do we analyse problems involving harmonic motion?

How do we analyse problems involving harmonic motion? In our previous article on mechanical resonance, we looked at harmonic motion and how it affects structures.  Now we’re going to jump into how we can solve issues that involve simple harmonic motion. What is simple harmonic motion? Many systems consist of components that vibrate in the […]

What are mechanical resonance and damping in engineering?

What are mechanical resonance and damping in engineering? In our previous articles, such as our article on axial load-carrying capacity, we focused on buckling and load-carrying calculations.  In our next few articles, we’ll move on to focusing on the vibration of structures and how it can affect them. What is vibration in engineering? Let’s dive […]

How can we calculate the axial load-carrying capacity of a reinforced concrete column and classify it?

How can we calculate the axial load-carrying capacity of a reinforced concrete column and classify it? Following on from our previous article on the axial load-carrying capacity of a steel column, we’re going to look at the axial load-carrying capacity of a concrete column and also see how we can classify it. What is a […]