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How can we select engineering materials?

How can we select engineering materials? In our previous article, we looked at elastic and magnetic hysteresis. In this article, we’re going to look at how we can select engineering materials.  In other articles, we have previously looked at the different materials and their properties.  However, it’s important that engineers understand how we can go […]

What is hysteresis?

What is hysteresis? In our previous article, we looked at the material modes of failure we need to be aware of in engineering. In this article we’re going to dive into elastic and magnetic hysteresis. Elastic Hysteresis Elastic hysteresis is the difference in strain of a material during loading of stress or strain, versus during […]

What are material modes of failure?

What are material modes of failure? In our previous article we looked at the properties of engineering materials. In this article,  we’re going to dive into material modes of failure and what they are. What is failure? The definition of failure is that the component is no longer fit for use or its designed purpose.  […]

What are the properties of engineering materials?

What are the properties of engineering materials? In our last article, we looked at engineering materials and their atomic structure.  Now we’re going to dive into the properties of engineering materials. There are several different properties that apply to engineering materials, and we’re going to look at an overview of each of them. Physical Properties […]

Engineering materials and their atomic structure

Engineering materials and their atomic structure In our last article, we looked at how we can apply Bernoulli’s principle to engineering problems.  Now we’re going to dive into engineering materials and their atomic structure. Engineering Materials Engineering can be defined as the application of science and technology to create or produce something.  In order to […]

What is Bernoulli’s principle?

What is Bernoulli’s principle? In our previous article, we looked at ideal gas laws and how they can be used in engineering problems.  In this article we’re going to look into Bernoulli’s principle and how it can affect engineering problems. Bernoulli’s principle Bernoulli’s principle is a fundamental law governing the motion of fluids.  It relates […]

What are ideal gas laws?

What are ideal gas laws? In our previous article, we looked at how continuity can affect engineering problems.  In this article, we’re going to look into what ideal gas laws are and how they can affect engineering problems. What are ideal gas laws? Ideal gas laws are a set of laws and equations that govern […]

How can continuity affect engineering problems?

How can continuity affect engineering problems? In our previous article, we looked at how heat and temperature can affect engineering problems.  In this article, we’re going to look into continuity and how it affects engineering problems. What is continuity? If we consider a steady flow at velocity, v, of a fluid with a density of […]

How can heat and temperature affect engineering problems?

How can heat and temperature affect engineering problems? In our previous article, we looked at how pressure in fluids can affect engineering problems.  In this article, we’re going to look into heat and temperature and how they affect engineering problems. Heat and temperature Heat is a type of energy, measured in Joules J.  When heat […]

What is pressure in fluids, and how does it affect engineering problems?

What is pressure in fluids, and how does it affect engineering problems? In our previous articles, we looked at how to use various principles, such as moments of force, to solve engineering problems.  In this article, we’re going to look into principles of fluids and how they affect engineering problems. Pressure due to height of […]